Thursday, March 6, 2014

Puke, Sh*t, Hugs

Good morning to all. I figured out that I can post using my phone, which will make keeping up with this blog a lot easier rather than posting from my computer. Any who, I never got that shower after I posted yesterday (luckily I did later once Matt got home; the simple luxuries I once knew) and we never made it to the play station place. Instead, I've been battling disgusting diapers, vomit and a very moody toddler. Either she ate something wrong or she has a stomach bug. I don't know, it's all about playing the guessing game. It's the same guessing game that all parents play with their small infants and toddlers. 

This is another area that frustrates me because I wish that she could just tell me what's wrong, what's bothering her, but no. Instead screaming and crying, pushing me away when it's time for a diaper change or not letting me bathe her when she's covered in vomit (sorry for the tmi). 

Now she won't even sit in the bath tub. This is a new thing she's been doing so giving her baths hasn't been as easy. Her OT gave me a few tips, but I think this is due to her hurting and not wanting to sit and not being able to forget that feeling. So onto wearing a swimsuit bottom next to see if it helps. Anyways, It's not even 9am here and I've changed more dirty diapers in the past 24 hours than what I tend to change over the course of a few days. Every time she does a "Pom Pom" I cringe because "here we go again". 

I am sure most parents can relate to feeling helpless when your child is sick or not him/herself. You want to do everything in your power to make them feel better, yet sometimes only time is the main culprit to their healthy selves. When a child can't communicate their feelings, add to that frustration times a thousand. After she got sick last night to the point of choking, which scares the crap out of me, I sat there holding my Belle while crying alongside with her because I hate seeing her in pain. I was also hoping that she could just tell me what's bothering her. I was also wishing she would show any signs of wanting to use the potty, but no, not my turn to get a wish tonight. 

So fast forward to this morning. I have a huge headache from the lack of sleep and no chance for caffeine (I hate headaches). I had plans to run errands and now who knows what will happen. I tell you, having a sick child definitely throws a curve ball into your life and when their routine is loused up, so is yours. 

This brings me to my topic of the day: food. Many people claim that having a gluten-free/dairy-free diet in children with developmental delays, autism, ADHD, etc., may help with gastrointestinal issues as well as behavioral concerns. Autumn has been pretty much dairy-free since last summer with about 50% of her diet being gluten-free. However with this latest bout of her getting sick, I am wondering if it's something else, like a food allergy or if I should just take her off gluten entirely since she's been having more stomach problems over the course of the past week with a potential increase in more gluten foods. I am thinking that with all of these nasty diapers, it's time to make the change. At least gluten-free foods are becoming more affordable and healthy right? Plus I want to do this for myself, even more of a push to forgo gluten entirely. 

Any who, on a positive note, no dirty diapers now within the past hour! It's a Christmas miracle! Speaking of Christmas (yes I know it's March), since converting Belle's crib into a toddler bed, we have been putting one of those jingle bells that kids can wear on their wrists or their ankles in music class on her ankle once she goes to sleep. It is the cutest thing hearing her in the morning when she wakes up. I can't help but start singing "Jingle Bells" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". So the spirit of Christmas lives on and it's one thing I can cross off my anxiety-stress checklist.

Otherwise, I'm going to try my best to stay positive despite the sleep deprivation, lack of coffee, and crappy job (poop stinks). 

Have a great day!



"Now you see me, now you don't"

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