Friday, March 14, 2014

The Past Week

Not much to report today aside from feeling a little worn down from the past week's excitement. Autumn had a good day despite being very clingy for whatever reason. 

I am just glad it's Friday and my hubby has off this weekend. I am also going to try my best to post each day but I am finding that I don't want to drag out each little thing and to keep my readers interested. I have a lot I want to share but not all at once. 

So hang in there. The progression post is coming. 

Highlights from the week:

I turned 31.
Autumn chose daddy over mommy snuggles for the first time ever.
Autumn's stomach virus is out of here.
Great Thai food and Mexican food.
 I had a cannoli.
Autumn did very well this week in all of her sessions. 
Met a cool mom.
Autumn's expressive language is coming along nicely.
Received a lot of FB birthday love.
Had a great conversation with someone special.
Was able to enjoy almost two hours outside on the warm day.
Dunkin donuts pumpkin coffee still available! 

Can't beat the above! Here's to the weekend!



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